RafaelSampaio has earned 7 badges!
First Reply2021-02-26Earned by 2,912Congratulations on your first reply!
Galvanizer2021-02-26Earned by 773Keep it up! You've given 10 "Likes" on RSA Link!
Good Start2021-02-26Earned by 2,297You're off to a great start! You've given 2 "Likes" on RSA Link!
Making Yourself at Home2021-03-04Earned by 7,626Back for more? We're pleased to see you again! Enjoy your 10th visit to RSA Link.
Someone Likes You2021-02-26Earned by 1,911Congratulations on receiving your first "Like"!
Welcome2021-02-26Earned by 27,344It's great to see you! You've logged in to RSA Link for the first of hopefully many times!
Welcome Back!2021-03-01Earned by 16,193It's great to see you again! Thanks for returning to RSA Link!