2015-08-12 12:50 AM
We are trying to upgrade our environment to the latest version ( but cannot do so using the GUI method as provided on the documentation.
Did anyone get the same error as ours?
The Broker/SA Head-unit is already up to date though.
If we cannot fix the error, I think we'll go with a manual CLI update, which based on our experience is a bit complicated and time consuming.
2015-08-18 10:33 PM
Hello Jeff and Dave,
You're both right, we succeeded doing so 2 days ago, We re-synced NTP and fixed puppet communications first (along with remove and re-purpose). There's a script to do knowledge article 29081 quick, but I'm not sure if I can share it here.
I guess this should solve our problems moving forward
Thanks for all your help!
2015-08-12 01:48 AM
Hi RJ,
There was a issue which I also faced during the update of RSA SA from 10.5 to
Have you installed GPG-keys?
Deepanshu Sood.
2015-08-12 02:02 AM
yup, all of my hosts are installed with the gpg-pubkeys
2015-08-12 08:03 AM
Are you still getting the same error or what if you try to update the SA by CLI, the what error are you receiving?
Deepanshu Sood.
2015-08-12 09:30 AM
Hi RJ,
In the other support cases that I was able to find that experienced this issue, they were able to resolve the issue by rebooting the Security Analytics server and the affected appliance. However, to rule out the possibility of the issue simply being UI-related, I would recommend first issuing the commands below on the SA Server to see if it takes care of the issue.
service collectd restart
stop jettysrv
start jettysrv
Be warned that the UI will be inaccessible while the jettysrv service is stopped and while it is re-initializing (which generally takes 3-5 minutes), and will log out any users that are currently using the system, so you will want to execute those commands when nobody else is logged in to the Security Analytics UI.
Please let us know if either of these workarounds fix your issue.
2015-08-13 06:03 AM
Unfortunately, it didn't help resolving the issue.
According to the support we got in contact with, we need to re-establish the puppet.
May also lead to removal and re-purposing the appliance.
Any more thoughts on this?
2015-08-18 09:07 AM
I'm sorry to hear that the workaround didn't resolve the issue. In that case it may be necessary to remove and re-purpose the appliance, as the support team suggested. They can help you with the process, and the steps can also be found in the knowledge article 29081.
2015-08-18 03:00 PM
I would suggest to verify that NTP is synchronized , also that issue sounds like a Linux yum issue.
De: RJ
Enviado el: jueves, 13 de agosto de 2015 06:35 a. m.
Para: D4v3
Asunto: Re: - to Upgrade Challenges
<https://community.emc.com/?et=watches.email.thread> ECN to Upgrade Challenges
reply from RJ <https://community.emc.com/people/rjignacio?et=watches.email.thread> in RSA Security Analytics - View the full discussion <https://community.emc.com/message/901308?et=watches.email.thread#901308>
2015-08-18 10:33 PM
Hello Jeff and Dave,
You're both right, we succeeded doing so 2 days ago, We re-synced NTP and fixed puppet communications first (along with remove and re-purpose). There's a script to do knowledge article 29081 quick, but I'm not sure if I can share it here.
I guess this should solve our problems moving forward
Thanks for all your help!
2015-08-19 10:34 AM
That's great! Thanks for giving us the update!