2017-09-26 09:27 AM
Hello. Could u help me to make alert. This alert should work for
2017-09-26 09:28 AM
This alert should work for creating, changing and deleting users in the domain.
2017-09-26 09:54 AM
If you create an alert rule using the following, it should give you what you are looking for.
This basic template is a placeholder for defining basic EPL content that can be
installed and executed in ESA. The sample below is the minimum that would be
required to get started.
Version: 4.0
Module debug section. If this is empty then debugging is off.
/* EPL section. If there is no text here it means there were no statements. */
module Module_54768373e4b0e51f47f9a9a7;
/* Statement: Windows Events */
(reference_id IN ( '4720' ) OR reference_id IN ( '4726' ) OR reference_id IN ( '4728' ))
/* Statement: windows */
(device_type IN ( 'winevent_nic' ))
2017-10-10 07:00 AM
Is it possible to create alert without ESA module?
How should I find logs of create\delete user account (with investigateion->navigate) from window's hosts? I do searching by "device.host", but after that cant find necessary information in the logs.