2017-06-20 04:24 PM
Is there a way to configure the frequency of historical snapshots for correlation and application rules. Our application rules on our packet decoders create snapshot seemingly whenever a change is made to the existing ruleset, but most of our concentrators only have a 'current' snapshot and not historical ones. Is there a way to manually configure this?
2017-06-20 04:38 PM
how often do you make changes to your correlation rules on the concentrators ?
Usually a backup is only made when a change is created to the rule file. If you aren't making any changes to correlation rules then no backups may be created.
2017-06-22 11:44 AM
We make changes to our correlation rules several times a week. Should we expect to see backups on all concentrators or just the one we made the changes to and pushes the rules out from?