2014-04-12 08:12 AM
Hi Guys,
I got the document but don't have samples files. If have can please share?
And anyone have documents on writing flex/lua parsers?
A demonstration of a very simple lua parser: see a pattern, fire an alert (no moves, reads, finds, etc). This
should be the easiest parser to see what the parser is doing.
• simple.parser
A simple parser in flex. It doesn't parse anything real, it is only meant to be demonstrative and used in
conjunction with simple_parser.lua
• simple_parser.lua
Identical in functionality to simple.parser (flex). Demonstrating some basic equivalencies between flex and
lua, used in conjunction with simple.parser.
• demo_parser.lua
A simple but heavily commented parser in lua. Again, it doesn't parse anything real. The comments explain
in detail every aspect of the parser.
• flex_to_lua_quick_reference.txt
A condensed guide for flex to lua equivalencies.
• nw-api.lua
The definitive documentation
2014-07-28 02:38 PM
<parsers xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="parsers.xsd">
<parser name="simple_parser" desc="simple parser in flex">
<token name="tokenFoo" value="FOO" options="linestart"/>
<token name="tokenBar" value="BAR"/> <!-- "BAR" in hex -->
<number name="parser_state" scope="session"/>
<number name="num_temp" scope="stream"/>
<string name="string_temp" scope="stream"/>
<meta name="meta_action" key="action" format="text"/>
<meta name="meta_alert" key="alert" format="text"/>
<match name="tokenFoo">
<!-- move 4 bytes forward -->
<move value="4">
<!-- find the end of the line -->
<find name="num_temp" value="
" length="80">
<!-- read up to the end of the line -->
<read name="string_temp" length="$num_temp">
<!-- register what was read as action meta -->
<register name="meta_action" value="$string_temp"/>
<!-- flag that we read something -->
<assign name="parser_state" value="1"/>
<match name="tokenBar">
<!-- if we've already matched "FOO" and read something, register an alert now -->
<if name="parser_state" equal="1">
<register name="meta_alert" value="saw foo and bar"/>
simple parser lua
local simple = nw.createParser("simple_parser", "simple parser in lua")
-- declare the meta keys we'll be registering meta with
function simple:sessionBegin()
-- reset parser_state for the new session
self.parser_state = nil
function simple:tokenFoo(token, first, last)
-- set position to byte after the token
current_position = last + 1
-- get the payload
local payload = nw.getPayload()
-- make sure we have bytes to move through
if current_position + 4 <= payload:len() then
-- move 4 bytes forward
current_position = current_position + 4
-- find the end of the line
local num_temp = payload:find("\13\10", current_position, current_position + 80)
-- if we found the end of the line
if num_temp ~= nil then
-- we don't want to read the \13
num_temp = num_temp - 1
-- read up to the end of the line
local string_temp = payload:tostring(current_position, num_temp)
-- make sure the read succeeded
if string_temp ~= nil then
-- register what was read as action meta
nw.createMeta(self.keys.action, string_temp)
-- flag that we read something
self.parser_state = 1
function simple:tokenBar(token, first, last)
-- if we've already matched "FOO" and read something, register an alert now
if self.parser_state == 1 then
nw.createMeta(self.keys.alert, "saw foo and bar")
-- declare what tokens and events we want to match
[nwevents.OnSessionBegin] = simple.sessionBegin,
["FOO"] = simple.tokenFoo,
["\66\65\82"] = simple.tokenBar, -- "BAR" in hex
2014-07-29 04:37 AM
Hi, can you share the document that you've got?
There are tons of info on custom log parsers and absolutely no info on custom lua parsers integration. As I understand flex parsers are depreciated.