2015-02-16 02:08 PM
Has anyone had any success with changing the default RabbitMQ account password on the Security Analytics Server/Broker?
I have attempted to change it from "guest"/"guest" with the following command on all systems:
rabbitmqctl change_password guest newpassword
Also edited the "guest" password in the following files:
Restarted all services but still am not able to figure out why I am getting the following error in the log file /var/log/rabbitmq/sa@localhost.log:
=ERROR REPORT==== 16-Feb-2015::19:04:29 ===
closing AMQP connection <0.1930.0> ( ->
"PLAIN login refused: user 'guest' - invalid credentials",
Not sure where else this guest password could be hiding as its either a default credential that is not apart of the configurations or hard coded somewhere in the system.
2015-02-16 03:35 PM
Here are more error logs:
Feb 16 20:34:18 sa-sas collectd[19269]: An error occurred publishing a statistic for plugin 9b888a42-0519-40d4-9006-00c16be4bfae/incidentmanagement_jmx-Memoryjmx_memory-HeapMemoryUsage-committed. Error: An error occurred publishing an AMQP Message. Exchange name: carlos.sms.collectd; error: An error occurred creating an AMQP Channel. Configuration: {#012 "urn": "carlos.sms.collectd",#012 "connection":#012 {#012 "vhost": "\/rsa\/system"#012 }#012}#012; error: : a socket error occurred; message size: 385