2016-03-20 07:48 AM
I have some usefull data in user.dst and OS metakeys in SA from one event souce (this data I receive from 3rd feed). I wish feed this data (user.dst and OS) some events where user.dst exist. How I can do it? How I can extract this data like CSV from SA and the feed some events like new feed?
2016-03-25 06:33 PM
Hi I don't think it is possible to apply a where clause on a feed. Eg don't apply this feed if device.type =Microsoftiis
However even if the session does get twice with this meta then I don't think that is a problem. It doesn't change any calculations or anything.
If it is a problem let me know and we'll see how it can be solved or worked around
Sent from my iPhone
2016-03-26 11:12 AM
There is not a big problem. I will use dedup() for remove the duplecate values from reports.