2014-12-16 09:06 AM
For the past year and a half, I have been working with Lua on our packet and log decoders in the form of custom parsers. During this time, I have come across some interesting ways that Lua has been able to help with organizations use cases. This involved both the extraction of meta from raw network traffic or doing something else with previously generated meta in both packet and log decoders.
For those out in the community, are you writing your own Lua parsers? Are there use-cases where this has become necessary? Are there ideas out there where you feel a custom parser is necessary, but not sure how or where to start? Have you written your own that you feel you would like to share?
Thank you for reading and contributing.
2014-12-17 09:31 AM
A test parser I called test.lua
-- Step 1 - Create parser
local luatest = nw.createParser("lua_test", "TEST PARSER")
This is a test parser. It is intended to help learn how to write parsers with Lua.
This parser requires a custom meta key.
Concentrator: index-concentrator-custom.xml
<key description="Test Alert" level="IndexValues" name="test.alert" valueMax="1000" format="Text"/>
-- Step 2 - Define meta keys to write meta into
-- declare the meta keys we'll be registering meta with
-- Step 4 - Do SOMETHING once your token matched
function luatest:tokenFIND(token, first, last)
nw.createMeta(self.keys["test.alert"], "i_found_you")
-- Step 3 - Define tokens that get you close to what you want
-- declare what tokens and events we want to match.
-- These do not have to be exact matches but just get you close to the data you want.
["cnn.com\013\010"] = luatest.tokenFIND,
2014-12-30 10:30 AM
Another example. HTTP URL parser to build a url from http traffic.
local luaHttpUrl = nw.createParser("lua_http_url", "LUA HTTP URL", "80")
Build a full url based on http traffic
2014.12.15 christopher.ahearn@rsa.com - Initial development
http traffic
-- Write meta into the following meta key(s)
function luaHttpUrl:sessionBegin()
-- reset parser_state for the new session
self.Path = nil
function luaHttpUrl:tokenRequest(token, first, last)
-- set position to byte after the token
current_position = last + 1
-- get the payload
local payload = nw.getPayload()
-- find the end of the path
local num_temp = payload:find(" HTTP/", current_position, current_position + 4096)
-- if we found the end of the line
if num_temp then
-- we don't want to read the " "
num_temp = num_temp - 1
-- read up to the end of the line
self.Path = payload:tostring(current_position, num_temp)
function luaHttpUrl:tokenhost(token, first, last)
-- set position to byte after the token
current_position = last + 1
-- get the payload
local payload = nw.getPayload()
-- find the end of the line
local num_temp = payload:find("\r\n", current_position, current_position + 4096)
-- if we found the end of the line
if num_temp then
-- we don't want to read the \r
num_temp = num_temp - 1
-- read up to the end of the line
local host = payload:tostring(current_position, num_temp)
-- make sure the read succeeded
if host then
if self.Path then
url = "http://" .. host .. self.Path
nw.createMeta(self.keys["url"], url)
-- declare what tokens and events we want to match
[nwevents.OnSessionBegin] = luaHttpUrl.sessionBegin,
["^GET "] = luaHttpUrl.tokenRequest,
["^POST "] = luaHttpUrl.tokenRequest,
["^HEAD "] = luaHttpUrl.tokenRequest,
["^PUT "] = luaHttpUrl.tokenRequest,
["^DELETE "] = luaHttpUrl.tokenRequest,
["^TRACE "] = luaHttpUrl.tokenRequest,
["^OPTIONS "] = luaHttpUrl.tokenRequest,
["^PATCH "] = luaHttpUrl.tokenRequest,
["^CONNECT "] = luaHttpUrl.tokenRequest,
["^PROPFIND "] = luaHttpUrl.tokenRequest,
["^PROPPATCH "] = luaHttpUrl.tokenRequest,
["^MKCOL "] = luaHttpUrl.tokenRequest,
["^COPY "] = luaHttpUrl.tokenRequest,
["^MOVE "] = luaHttpUrl.tokenRequest,
["^UNLOCK "] = luaHttpUrl.tokenRequest,
["^LOCK "] = luaHttpUrl.tokenRequest,
["^SUBSCRIBE "] = luaHttpUrl.tokenRequest,
["^POLL "] = luaHttpUrl.tokenRequest,
["^Host: "] = luaHttpUrl.tokenhost,
["^HOST: "] = luaHttpUrl.tokenhost,
["^host: "] = luaHttpUrl.tokenhost,
2014-12-30 10:34 AM
Another example, this time using meta callbacks. I have found that using Lua parsers can help processing of data extracted by Log Decoders. That's right....Log Decoders.
Lua parsing can work on either a packet or log decoder, however I mostly use meta callbacks for a Log Decoder.
This parser attempts to normalize user accounts to lower case.
local normalizeuser = nw.createParser("Normalize_User", "Make all user accounts lower case")
--[[ The purpose of this parser is to normalize meta from the meta callback into lower
case. With this normalization to lower-case, analysts can create a feed that might have
missed some values due to capital letters in the meta. CASE matters.
SomeUser --> someuser
To save space, a comparison is done to determine if this lower-case was seen before or if
new meta needs to be created. This is to save space. Thanks DC.
Parser created 2014-03-18 by Chris Ahearn
function normalizeuser:userMeta(index, user)
-- localize or initialize table to hold seen email addresses
local seenUser = self.seenUser or {}
-- check if this email address has been seen before
if not seenUser[user] then
-- nope, now it has
seenUser[user] = true
-- copy local table back to global
self.seenUser = seenUser
-- Convert user to lower case
local lower_user = string.lower(user)
-- *check if this user has been registered before
if not seenUser[lower_user] then
nw.createMeta(self.keys["user.dst"], lower_user)
function normalizeuser:sessionEnd()
self.seenUser = nil
[nwlanguagekey.create("user.dst")] = normalizeuser.userMeta,
[nwevents.OnSessionEnd] = normalizeuser.sessionEnd,
2018-05-18 02:20 AM
Hi Chirstopher,
Is there lua parser available for converting epoch time to Human Readable Time/Local Time. We have forwarded logs in Cef format the time is in rt=value, in epoch time format. So, I just want to is there any Lua parser already available or we have to write custom lua , also , is it possible to create the one.