2021-11-01 04:26 AM
When reviewing the files in NWE there are 1000s of files that report as being on zero 0 hosts?
Can someone help me understand why that is and what can I do to remove them? If they are on no hosts then shouldn't they not be reporting upon?
This is an example of the most recently seen files on zero hosts
2021-11-13 01:19 AM
Hi Jeremy,
"ON HOSTS" value changes based on verify_file command sent to the agent to verify if the file exists on it.
The files showing 0 count indicates that they were found by at least one agent before but removed since then.
If you happen to find any file that still exists but shows 0 "ON HOSTS", please let RSA Support know.
I can find some of the files that have 0 hostCount but it doesn't seem to find all files.
mongo admin -u deploy_admin
use endpoint-server
We will provide further assistance from the case and will also update this page when we have further information.