2016-08-08 04:07 AM
There is one appliance called ESA with 10.6 v which is unable to get enabled under Hosts tab.
The error is "Enabled Failed. Click to retry". I am not sure that why only the ESA is not getting detected.
I have added all the other components like Log Hybrid and VLC, but only the ESA is not getting added.
Could you please advise how to add it.
Deepanshu Sood.
2016-08-08 04:11 AM
Hi Sood,
Please press the enable button and check the /var/log/mcollective.log and check for error. Send me the error if you need me to have a look.
Best regards
2016-08-08 04:29 AM
The below are the messages are coming..
I, [2016-08-08T08:20:05.061256 #10416] INFO -- : rabbitmq.rb:35:in `on_ssl_connecting' Establishing SSL session with stomp+ssl://@
I, [2016-08-08T08:20:05.125714 #10416] INFO -- : rabbitmq.rb:40:in `on_ssl_connected' SSL session established with stomp+ssl://@
I, [2016-08-08T08:20:05.136050 #10416] INFO -- : rabbitmq.rb:15:in `on_connected' Connected to stomp+ssl://@
W, [2016-08-08T08:20:05.293484 #10416] WARN -- : ipv4.rb:21:in `activate?' Could not find chain junk_filter
W, [2016-08-08T08:20:18.115788 #10416] WARN -- : runner.rb:179:in `receiver_thread' message d0b44b8c37285f46add6d183de8e2d87 from cert=mcollective_client_public@Ncorp-RSAAS-01 created at 1470644080 is 338 seconds old, TTL is 60
W, [2016-08-08T08:20:42.739713 #10416] WARN -- : runner.rb:179:in `receiver_thread' message b699b9694500592780289da6f0d2dc6e from cert=mcollective_client_public@Ncorp-RSAAS-01 created at 1470644105 is 337 seconds old, TTL is 60
W, [2016-08-08T08:20:44.628141 #10416] WARN -- : runner.rb:179:in `receiver_thread' message 7da9a2b171a05bfa96dd31908faf41d6 from cert=mcollective_client_public@Ncorp-RSAAS-01 created at 1470644107 is 337 seconds old, TTL is 60
W, [2016-08-08T08:20:48.469899 #10416] WARN -- : runner.rb:179:in `receiver_thread' message 3d4688bc647b5b5cbe3dffbbd8f22035 from cert=mcollective_client_public@Ncorp-RSAAS-01 created at 1470644111 is 337 seconds old, TTL is 60
W, [2016-08-08T08:21:18.850548 #10416] WARN -- : runner.rb:179:in `receiver_thread' message 32ca15713485507786a751d735d778e3 from cert=mcollective_client_public@Ncorp-RSAAS-01 created at 1470644141 is 337 seconds old, TTL is 60
W, [2016-08-08T08:21:49.244763 #10416] WARN -- : runner.rb:179:in `receiver_thread' message a9a5d09a8e2354e3b451c43690d3106d from cert=mcollective_client_public@Ncorp-RSAAS-01 created at 1470644172 is 337 seconds old, TTL is 60
W, [2016-08-08T08:25:29.196672 #10416] WARN -- : runner.rb:179:in `receiver_thread' message c61d374df058565b95a5bfb19a9be2fc from cert=mcollective_client_public@Ncorp-RSAAS-01 created at 1470644391 is 338 seconds old, TTL is 60
W, [2016-08-08T08:25:59.590396 #10416] WARN -- : runner.rb:179:in `receiver_thread' message 045f339da32a59db9eb03d5bf30ea4f4 from cert=mcollective_client_public@Ncorp-RSAAS-01 created at 1470644422 is 337 seconds old, TTL is 60
W, [2016-08-08T08:26:21.973457 #10416] WARN -- : runner.rb:179:in `receiver_thread' message d00563bd79ca5d84a5b931daaf0ff87f from cert=mcollective_client_public@Ncorp-RSAAS-01 created at 1470644444 is 337 seconds old, TTL is 60
W, [2016-08-08T08:26:29.997487 #10416] WARN -- : runner.rb:179:in `receiver_thread' message 015f31e14e4b5219bf839a2e934a2cdb from cert=mcollective_client_public@Ncorp-RSAAS-01 created at 1470644452 is 337 seconds old, TTL is 60
W, [2016-08-08T08:27:00.508584 #10416] WARN -- : runner.rb:179:in `receiver_thread' message f4c577f3074255ab8a20d1b17ec78c17 from cert=mcollective_client_public@Ncorp-RSAAS-01 created at 1470644483 is 337 seconds old, TTL is 60
Deepanshu Sood.
2016-08-08 04:34 AM
Hi Sood,
The problem is with the time difference between the SA head unit and the ESA. Either use NTP or change time/date manually on the ESA to match the time of the SA head unit and then press the enable button again and it should work.
Note that the time difference between the SA head unit and the ESA should be less than 60 seconds for the ESA to get enabled.
Best regards
2016-08-08 04:50 AM
Only a small issue..i missed it.
Khaled you're a master...no doubt..
a big thanks....
Deepanshu Sood.
2016-08-08 04:54 AM
You are always welcome Sood