2016-02-08 09:50 AM
The following is a sample ESA Rule to detect when a large amount of data is going to a destination. Its meant as an example and there are probably other better ways of doing this.
The two rules below:
Here are the two rules to paste into the Query Section of an advanced rule. To detect slower exfiltatrion increase the time between DNS packets from a source from 120 seconds upwards. Please note though, that the higher the value the more memory will be used and potentially more false positives could be created.
Further improvements could be:
module Module_6f32d5a7_da8e_45a4_b918_e57d9d718ead;
create window DNSsum3.win:time(86400 seconds) as select ip_dst, txbytes,esa_time from Event; //86400 seconds
// Create a Sliding window of 24 hours
// When an Event Arrives Update our DNSSum3 Windows with the current values
on Event(service =53 AND ip_dst is not NULL AND txbytes is not NULL ) as myevent
merge DNSsum3 dns
where dns.ip_dst=myevent.ip_dst
when matched
then update set txbytes = txbytes +myevent.txbytes, esa_time=myevent.esa_time
when not matched
then insert select ip_dst,txbytes,esa_time;
//If the Last Time we had an event for a particular IP Dest was longer than a certain period of time ago then we delete that record from the table. In this case the period of time is 120000 milliseconds =120 seconds
on Event(service =53 AND ip_dst is not NULL AND txbytes is not NULL ) as myevent
delete from DNSsum3 dns
where dns.esa_time +120000 < myevent.esa_time ;
create window DNSWatchlist3.win:time(60 seconds) as select ip_dst from DNSsum3;
insert into DNSWatchlist3(ip_dst) select ip_dst from DNSsum3 group by ip_dst having sum(txbytes)>5000000;
select * from Event(service =53 AND ip_dst is not NULL AND txbytes is not NULL AND ip_dst IN (select ip_dst FROM DNSWatchlist3)).std:groupwin(ip_dst).win:time(60 seconds).std:firstunique(ip_dst) retain-intersection ;
module Module_6f32d5a7_da8e_45a4_b918_e57d9d718eac;
create window DNSsum2.win:time(86400 seconds) as select ip_src, txbytes,esa_time from Event; //86400 seconds
// Create a Sliding window of 24 hours
// When an Event Arrives Update our DNSSum2 Windows with the current values
on Event(service =53 AND ip_src is not NULL AND txbytes is not NULL ) as myevent
merge DNSsum2 dns
where dns.ip_src=myevent.ip_src
when matched
then update set txbytes = txbytes +myevent.txbytes, esa_time=myevent.esa_time
when not matched
then insert select ip_src,txbytes,esa_time;
//If the Last Time we had an event for a particular IP Source was longer than a certain period of time ago then we delete that record from the table. In this case the period of time is 120000 milliseconds = 60 seconds
on Event(service =53 AND ip_src is not NULL AND txbytes is not NULL ) as myevent
delete from DNSsum2 dns
where dns.esa_time +120000 < myevent.esa_time ;
create window DNSWatchlist2.win:time(60 seconds) as select ip_src from DNSsum2;
insert into DNSWatchlist2(ip_src) select ip_src from DNSsum2 group by ip_src having sum(txbytes)>5000000;
select * from Event(service =53 AND ip_src is not NULL AND txbytes is not NULL AND ip_src IN (select ip_src FROM DNSWatchlist2)).std:groupwin(ip_src).win:time(60 seconds).std:firstunique(ip_src) retain-intersection ;
2016-02-12 07:27 AM
If you want to whitelist some traffic then change the line the following
on Event(service =53 AND ip_dst is not NULL AND txbytes is not NULL ) as myevent
on Event(service =53 AND ip_dst is not NULL AND txbytes is not NULL and safe_traffic is NULL ) as myevent
This means that if the metakey safe_traffic is populated then the traffic will be ignore.
See the KB Article on how you can set up App Rules to tag some meta as safe.
https://rsaportal.force.com/customer/articles/How_To/How-to-refine-the-Investigation-view-to-exclude-false-positives-in-RSA-Security-Analytics-10-4 |
2023-08-12 08:20 AM
I know this post is a few years old, but would it still have relevance today and be effective?