2014-04-10 04:14 AM
I have issue with external authentification in Active Directory (10.3 SP2). I mapping AD User Group to ADMIN role. Group name at Russian language, but I see entitlement in UI correctly. I try use English name group - not solve issue. After this user can login to UI, but not have access to any appliance (Device 10.10.0.x host LogCollector is unreachable) and then try access to Investigation tab - receive message "Failed to retrieve meta keys" Somebody have this issue?
2014-04-16 10:51 AM
just to share my config:
SA UI: AD authentication
1. external which is PAM
2. modify /etc/pam.d/netwitness file as: auth sufficient pam_krb5.so no_user_check
not /etc/pam.d/securityanalytics file
3. create krb5.ini as below:
[root@SA103SP1 etc]# ls krb5.conf
[root@SA103SP1 etc]# cat krb5.conf
default = FILE:/var/log/krb5libs.log
kdc = FILE:/var/log/krb5kdc.log
admin_server = FILE:/var/log/kadmind.log
default_realm = EXCHANGE.LOCAL
dns_lookup_realm = false
dns_lookup_kdc = false
ticket_lifetime = 24h
renew_lifetime = 7d
forwardable = true
kdc = srv6.exchange.local
.exchange.local = EXCHANGE.LOCAL
exchange.local = EXCHANGE.LOCAL
4. testing krb5.ini
[root@SA103SP1 etc]# kinit administrator@EXCHANGE.LOCAL
Password for administrator@EXCHANGE.LOCAL:
No output means ok.
Can you try again?
2014-04-17 04:48 AM
Problem solving. Issue was in /etc/pam.d/netwitness. Look at this link: https://sadocs.emc.com/0_en-us/095_10.3_User_Guide/20_System_Security_and_User_Management/00_Security_Config_Checklist/C…
Not correct file (/etc/pam.d/securityanalytics) in step 4 (PAM Kerberos).
2014-04-17 07:46 PM
Thats great.