2022-07-12 06:03 AM
Hi All,
In our orgasation they need last one year logs in human readble format .csv we're trying to get those logs from archiver in leagcyevents & events tab from our console ,but we're unable to pull the logs. hows no data and als takes much time to take.. but wile checked in cli the logs are there in archiver. we dont know how to get those logs.
is there any speciifc way to extract thse logs
2022-07-15 08:01 AM
Check the following article:
You can use the SDK commands to export the logs as you wish. Kindly note that the Archiver uses port 50008.
Here's an example:
1) NwConsole
2) login localhost:50008 admin netwitness
3) sdk open nw://admin:netwitness@localhost:50008
4) sdk output /tmp
5) sdk content render=logs append=mydecoder fileExt=.log session=1-now where="(time='2021-07-15 00:00:00'-'2022-07-15 00:00:00' && device.ip='gsuite')"
2022-07-15 08:01 AM
Check the following article:
You can use the SDK commands to export the logs as you wish. Kindly note that the Archiver uses port 50008.
Here's an example:
1) NwConsole
2) login localhost:50008 admin netwitness
3) sdk open nw://admin:netwitness@localhost:50008
4) sdk output /tmp
5) sdk content render=logs append=mydecoder fileExt=.log session=1-now where="(time='2021-07-15 00:00:00'-'2022-07-15 00:00:00' && device.ip='gsuite')"
2022-07-26 07:12 AM
thank you for the help