2014-07-17 07:25 AM
How do i check the current throughput of our decoder? ie. how many packets it can capture per sec and how many more packets it can capture per sec? We can see the current capture rate but how do we see the max capture rate?
There are lot of information on the explorer tab under each device for example, "capture.device", "assembler.sessions", etc... does anyone have a document that describes each one of them in detail?
2014-07-18 10:04 AM
you can right click the item, properties, select help.
Also sadocs.emc.com has the detail explanation.
for decoder: capture.rate, packet.rate, max.capture.rate under explorer - decoder -status.
2014-07-18 11:24 AM
Just expanding on patriot3w's answer:
The below link will explain the information under the "explore" view:
Decoder and Log Decoder Statistics - RSA Security Analytics Documentation
The max capture rate of a Decoder is 2Gbps