2016-06-14 11:32 AM
Hi everyone!
We are currently working on some tuning in ESA alerts and came across some MSG_ids that we cannot identify
The two alerts are listed below with associated message IDs that we need descriptions for
- Multiple Logs from MsgID Set with Same SourceIP DestinationIP
Msg_id in the syntax of the rule are ('00490' , ' 00490:08',' 00490:21' , '00004:16', ' 00490:01', '00490:07' , '00490:08' , '106001','106001:01','106002'
-Multiple Unique Logs from MsgID Set with Same Source and Destination IP
Msg_id in the syntax of the rule are ('00490', '00490:06','00490:08','00490:21')
2016-06-15 04:42 AM
For which device.type you got this information ?
2016-06-15 09:05 AM
These MsgIDs are actually built into an RSA rule below are the syntax. We are trying to find out the description of the MsgID within the syntax
@Description('Multiple Logs from MsgID Set with Same SourceIP and DestinationIP')
@RSAAlert(oneInSeconds=0, identifiers={"ip_src, ip_dst"})
ip_src IS NOT NULL
ip_dst IS NOT NULL
msg_id IN ('00490' , '00490:08' , '00490:21' , '00004:16' , '00490:01' , '00490:07' , '00490:08' , '106001' , '106001:01' , '106002')
).std:groupwin(ip_src, ip_dst).win:time_length_batch(300 seconds, 10) GROUP BY ip_src, ip_dst HAVING COUNT(*) = 10;
Description: Multiple unique log events from group of message IDs (each log has to have a unique message ID among the specified set of IDs) with same source IP and destination IP that take place within given time window. Number of log events, list of message IDs to be monitored, whitelist of source and destination IPs and time window are configurable. The default number of log events is 3 and the time window is 300 seconds (5 minutes).
Version: 2
module Module_esa000072;
@RSAAlert(oneInSeconds=0, identifiers={"ip_src, ip_dst"})
medium = 32
ip_src IS NOT NULL
ip_src NOT IN ('' , '')
ip_dst IS NOT NULL
ip_dst NOT IN ('' , '')
msg_id IN ('00490' , '00490:06' , '00490:08' , '00490:21')
).std:groupwin(ip_src, ip_dst).win:time_length_batch(300 seconds, 3).std:unique(msg_id) GROUP BY ip_src, ip_dst HAVING COUNT(*) = 3;
2016-06-16 01:52 AM
It is hard to identify device.type by looking on msg_id, until someone really remember these like windows reference_id.
My suggestion : Copy all the msg_id from this rules and test SA Investigate > Navigate section and under Query put it as per below.
msg.id = '00490','00490:06','00490:08','00490:21'
msg.id = '00490','00490:08','00490:21','00004:16','00490:01','00490:07','00490:08','106001','106001:01','106002'
You will definitely get some result by selecting Log Concentrator or Broker (if you have in your environment) as a service during Investigation Page.
2016-09-25 01:13 AM
You could create a report for device.type where msg.id = 00490','00490:08','00490:21','00004:16','00490:01','00490:07','00490:08','106001','106001:01','106002'