2015-04-01 04:26 AM
Dear All,
I have got a problem with the investigation tab.
When I go in the investigation tab, I can't browse the data because all data are gray.
I suppose that the problem is about the index.
Can you help me and give me some advice to solve this issue?
Have a good day
2015-07-07 01:53 PM
I commented, we have made the restoration of Applinace Hybrid for Logs. The DAC has the Hybrid already contained data previously.
We want to see the data and we could not. We conducted the procedure ReIndex but are not able to complete the process.
They know if there is any way you can check the data again?
Error in process reindex:
NgNativeReader_NwConcentrator-FastUpdate: nwsdk failure: NwSendMessage returned 0 and NwFastError failed
2015-07-08 11:07 PM
There is a known issue in Security Analytics 10.4.x that can cause all meta keys to incorrectly show as "Not Indexed" in Investigations, which is explained in the knowledgebase article 30383. Temporarily changing the meta group back to the default or logging out of the Security Analytics UI and logging back in will usually fix the issue.
2023-01-17 08:35 AM
knowledgebase article 30383 unable to find ,may be reomved ,please share
2023-01-17 08:36 AM
unable to find kb 26957 and 26621, please share