2016-05-23 11:56 AM
I'm trying to create an ODBC source for PostgreSQL (EnterpriseDB) database and MySQL (Community), already created DSNs, but when I test the connection got this error:
Error! An error occurred creating an ODBC connection for DSN: my_dsn The trapped error is: Unable to create an ODBC connection.
DSN: my_dsn;
username: my_user;
reason: state: S1000;
error-code: 0;
description: [RSA][ODBC MySQL Wire Protocol driver]Connections to MySQL Community Servers are not supported.
Please contact MySQL to obtain a MySQL Enterprise or Commercial version.
Error! An error occurred creating an ODBC connection for DSN: my_dsn The trapped error is: Unable to create an ODBC connection.
DSN: my_dsn;
username: my_user;
reason: state: S1000;
error-code: 1209;
description: [RSA][ODBC PostgreSQL Wire Protocol driver]The Connect Series for ODBC PostgreSQL Wire Protocol driver is only
licensed to connect to PostgreSQL databases. You are attempting to connect to the following type of server: EnterpriseDB on x86_64-unk
I work with R3mysql26.so and R3psql26.so drivers, I guess the reason is the database version (commercial and comunity), that's did I read on web. Anyone can help me with this?