2017-10-31 10:56 PM
Hi all,
I have a task which my boss asked me to do. He wanted me to make the php script to send to the RSA Netwitness to get the total attack count and show on the website, digital attack map.
So i created a php script and perform the query of getting the total attack count in the RSA Netwitness and get the data.
Here is my code below.
include 'config.php';
$filename = 'http://'.$SAUser.':'.$SAPass.'@'.$DevIP.':'.$DevPort.'/sdk?msg=query&force-content-type=application/json&expiry=600&query=select%20count%28*%29%20where%20device.type%3D%27snort%27%26%26%20alert%20exists%20%26%26%20alert%3D%27tag_cesium%27%2C%27tag_ce...
$json = file_get_contents($filename);
echo $json;
In the script, the filename represent the IP Address, Port Number, Username and password of the RSA Netwitness and perform the query (counting all the rows of attack at the particular time).
When I run the script,
the output is shown below
"flags" : 1074200578,
"results" : {
"id1" : 0,
"id2" : 0,
"fields" : [
"id1" : 0,
"id2" : 0,
"count" : 0,
"format" : 8,
"type" : "",
"flags" : 2,
"group" : 0,
"value" : "0"
"flags" : 1074200577,
"results" : {
"id1" : 32155288570,
"id2" : 32155288569,
"fields" : [
I am not able to grasp the total attack count values.. Any guidance or link that can help me in this.
Please help me. Thank you.
2017-11-01 07:01 AM
The output is telling there are no hits. It could be due to the time window or an error in the query.
I would also recommend that you use a "Values" call instead of a "Query" one, just pick an indexed key and get the values for that key, make sure it is something like "medium" which differentiate between hits on packets and logs but since your query is for log data only that would work, alternatively use something like device.type as again it's something that you are forcing to be unique in your result set.
"Values" calls are normally more efficient than "Query" calls due to their nature of running only against a key index vs the entire meta DB.
Hope it helps!