2014-03-21 04:12 AM
Somebody can help me retrieve events from IPDB located at RSA enVision ES? I read and do all what I find here: https://sadocs.emc.com/0_en-us/095_10.3_User_Guide/13_Device_and_Service_Configuration/IPDB_Extractor_Service_Configurat…
I retrieve devicelist, but can't rectrieve data (events). If I create simpe rule, for example "select ip.src, ip.dst" and "where event.cat.name like '%'" and event source - my devicelist - I receive blank report. I try written any terms in where field and all time I receive blank report.
2014-04-02 09:25 PM
can you share your configuration?
2014-04-03 01:34 AM
How I can do it?
2014-04-03 06:32 AM
can share your /etc/fstab? and mount output? do you use NAS? if yes, can share the share info?
2014-04-03 06:54 AM
I use RSA enVision wiouth NAS. Strings at /etc/fstab:
// /var/netwitness/ipdbextractor/ipdb/envision-es cifs au
to,nouser,noexec,ro,credentials=/root/cred 0 0
// /var/netwitness/ipdbextractor/devicelocation cifs auto,nouser,
noexec,ro,credentials=/root/cred 0 0
Strings at /root/cred:
2014-04-03 11:09 PM
// is for which path? your node name is envision-es?
2014-04-04 01:41 AM
\\\envision-es = E:\nic\lsnode\data\ENVISION-ES
Yes, nodename is ENVISION-ES.
2014-04-04 10:17 AM
i had issue with multiple storages, but single storage is working fine.
can you do ls /var/netwitness/ipdbextractor/ipdb/envision-es
and can share the IPDB rule you created?
2014-04-04 10:41 AM
Rule for example "select ip.src,ip.dst". Event source - list with:
[root@SA-WebServer ~]# ls /var/netwitness/ipdbextractor/ipdb/envision-es
ciscoasa epolicy mswsus rhlinux vmware_esx_esxi winevent_nic
ciscorouter msexchange nic unknown vmware_vc
2014-04-07 01:00 AM
can you share the rule you created?