2019-04-08 01:14 PM
Hi everyone, Did anyone have information about the RSAAlert parameters for Advanced EPL rules? Especially the "oneInSeconds" param means and wich are it boundaries?
Thanks in advance
2019-04-08 06:49 PM
Hi Maximiliano,
@RSAAlert is an annotation that's required to generate alert notifications.
oneInSecords is a legacy annotation and only applies to SA 10.3. It used to be Security Analytics’ notification suppression.
Please find more information on @RSAAlert from https://community.rsa.com/docs/DOC-80047.
2019-04-09 10:53 AM
Thank you very much James! I have read the article before, but it doesn't mention about the oneInSeconds parameters. I wonder if there is any way to suppress an alert output beyond the 100 minutes of the notification box restriction.
2019-04-09 03:02 PM
Maxi, have you tried the "output first every X hours" on the advanced EPL Rule? You can combine it with the identifiers attribute on the @RSAAlert.