2015-02-05 01:00 AM
Hi all,
I am trying to generate a report and it fails to load the chart in the same report. But when i checked with other reports they are working fine. Can anybody help me in resolving this issue.
Thanks in Advance
2015-02-05 01:48 AM
Hi Akesh,
What type of fields you are selecting in report.
Can you give some more details about the report trying to generate.
2015-02-05 06:11 AM
Hi Felixkjoy,
It is generating the chart but when i am trying to download it and it failed to create chart in the report but it is generating all other lists in the tabular format.
Report is for virus types by extensions:
I selected Extension in the Select clause and // device.class = 'anti virus' && alert.id = 'av:virus-summary' && ec.activity = 'detect' // are the fields for where clause.