2023-11-01 12:09 AM
I have an ESA rule that generates an email notification when meta is generated in the 'alert' meta key.
I want to put able to use part of the meta information in the alert to customise the email subject header so there is more context in it.
Is this possible.
2023-11-20 10:40 AM
I wanted to let you know that I have confirmation from Engineering that the alert meta is considered a string array meta. As such this is why it required the [0] at the end. If you look at the section labeled Update Your ESA Rules for the Required Multi-Value and Single-Value Meta Keys in the following link: https://community.netwitness.com/t5/netwitness-platform-online/esa-configuration-guide-for-12-3-1/ta-p/705365 you can see at the top of page 15 most, if not all, of the multi-valued meta keys. Using any of these will require the index on the end of the meta key, ex. alert[0], alert[1], alert[2], ...
This document also provides more context around the use of string and string array meta keys. I hope this additional information helps.