Article Number
Applies To
RSA Product Set: Security Analytics, ECAT
RSA Product/Service Type: Security Analytics UI, ECAT UI Console
RSA Version/Condition: SA 10.4.x; SA 10.5.x; ECAT
While trying to Intergrate the Security Analytics ECAT feed, it asks to enter the URL of the machines.csv file, as mentioned in the
Security Analytics 10.5 User Guide, but the verification of the file fails.
The issue is that the entered username and password in the ECAT UI console that is enabled with ECAT feed is not a SQL user account generated from the ECAT Console.
Add this user to the SQL user accounts in the ECAT deployment
To resolve the issue, follow the steps below.
- From the ECAT UI Console press Configure.
- Click on Manage users and roles.
- Right-click on Users and select Create SQL user.
- Enter the username and password.
The machines.csv file can then be downloaded using the URL below when providing the username and password of the SQL user.
- https://<ECATSERVERNAME>:9443/api/v1/feed/machines.csv
If you are unsure of any of the steps above or experience any issues, contact RSA Support and quote this article number for further assistance.