Apr 27 01:00:00 concentrator NwConcentrator[18030]: [Aggregation] [failure] Failed to initialize device '' because Invalid language key name 'custom.sample-key', must start with an alpha, then follow with alphanumeric OR . OR _. Device aggregation is being stopped.
In order to resolve the issue, please review the following files and modify all custom meta keys to start with an alpha, and contain alphanumeric, (.), (_) only and has a maximum length of 16 characters.
Concentrators -
Packet Decoders -
Log Decoders -
Broker -
Archiver -
In addition, update the affected custom keys in custom feeds and parsers if exist.
In case the decoder/logdecoder has unconsumed data which was captured before the upgrade, you may need to modify 'Aggregate Hours' from the downstream concentrator's Config page to skip the sessions which contain the problematic sessions.
e.g. If the decoder was upgraded at 5 AM and the current time is 10 AM, 'Aggregate Hours' can be set to 5 to aggregate only the sessions which are captured after the upgrade.