When disabling or enabling Indicators of Compromise (IOC) in Malware Analysis, a refresh browser command is necessary before the command is followed.
When the
DISABLE ALL button is clicked, the error message "Indicator(s) of Compromise failed to be disabled." appears, as shown below.
Image descriptionThe /var/lib/netwitness/uax/logs/sa.log file also reports the following error:
2015-10-12 07:32:12,551 [qtp684874119-17324] ERROR com.rsa.smc.sa.admin.web.controller.ajax.device.AdminDevicesConfigMalwareController - java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Timeout waiting for task.
A similar error is seen when clicking the
ENABLE ALL button.
This issue has been addressed in Security Analytics
Use the browser refresh button to see the updated IOC list.