Article Number
Applies To
RSA Product Set: Security Analytics
RSA Product/Service Type: SA Security Analytics Server, UI
RSA Version/Condition: 10.4,10.5, 10.6
When trying to complete an action an error is displayed and contains the following message:
Error occurred while validating query syntax on [COMPONENT].
User 'USERNAME' does not have the required permission to ...
This message requires one or more of the following role(s):
Image description
The error message provides information to identify the component, the user and the permission(s) needed to complete the action.
This article contains more information on how to identify the role(s) missing and resolve the error.
The error message contains the component on which we will need to find the user.
Open the component (in this example a Broker) and go to Security > Users.
We should be able to identify the user and the role(s) needed. Click on the username (in this example 'test') and confirm which Role Memberships is selected for this user.
Image descriptionIn this example the user 'test' was missing the role "Operators" which contains the Role Permission "sdk.manage" mentioned in the error message.
Image descriptionIt will be possible to resolve the issue adding the necessary Role Membership to the user.
Please note that it may be needed to delete and re-add data sources and restart some services to force a refresh of the user role.
In this example it was needed to delete and re-add the data sources on the Broker.