Besides the Health and Wellness monitoring section available from the RSA NetWitness Platform UI, it may sometimes be useful to retrieve important historical info such as Memory, CPU, disks IO, Swap and network traffic directly from CentOS CLI using SAR.
for i in `ls -t /var/log/sa/sa[0-1]*` ;do sar -r -f $i ;done > sar_debug_memory.log
for i in `ls -t /var/log/sa/sa[0-1]*` ;do sar -S -f $i ;done > sar_debug_Swap.log
for i in `ls -t /var/log/sa/sa[0-1]*` ;do sar -p -f $i ;done > sar_debug_cpu.log
Disks IO
for i in `ls -t /var/log/sa/sa[0-1]*` ;do sar -b -f $i ;done > sar_debug_IO.log
for i in `ls -t /var/log/sa/sa[0-1]*` ;do sar -n DEV -f $i ;done > sar_debug_Network.log
The scripts will create respectively sar_debug_memory.log, sar_debug_Swap.log, sar_debug_cpu.log, sar_debug_IO.log, sar_debug_Network.log files and we can view the files using vi editor for example (if ran from the /root directory):
vi /root/sar_debug_Network.log
Please note the average at the end of everyday report:
Image descriptionFor more info about the columns and options, I would suggest to consult the
SAR man page.