Article Number
Applies To
RSA Product Set: Netwitness Suite
RSA Product/Service Type: Netwitness UI Server
RSA Version/Condition: 10.x
Platform: CentOS
O/S Version: 6
Product Name: Netwitness for Logs and Packets
Some customers wants to change the MTU of their Netwitness appliances for the sake of increasing the network performance.
There are two ways of changing the MTU on the appliances
1- To change it on fly (the change will take effect immediately but will revert back with network/appliance restart
Please use:
ifconfig eth0 mtu 1500 up
Change the eth0 depending on the interface name and 1500 depending on the MTU needed value
2- To change it permanently,
Please use
vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
Change the eth0 depending on the interface nameAdd the below the line at the end of the file
Change 1500 with the needed valueRestart network service on the appliance.
service network restart
This optimal value for the MTU should be provided by the customer's network team.