The NetWitness Upgrade Precheck probe will give multiple versions of kernel-devel packages are found and output as below
Multiple kernel-devel Package Check Failed KB-TBD Multiple kernel-devel packages found at ['< node-id's >'].Please remove the older versions
Image description
The issue occurs when there are multiple versions or old kernel-devel packages installed in a Network Decoder and/or Network Hybrid
Using the Node-ID from the probe output run the following steps:
1. Run the following command (from Admin node) to manually check for all kernel-devel packages installed in the node-x mentioned in the output:
# salt <node-ID> 'rpm -qa kernel-devel'
where <node-ID> is the node-ID mentioned in the precheck tool probe output within [''] .
Screenshot below:
2. Run the following command (from Admin node) to display the latest version of kernel-devel package in the node-x mentioned in the output:
# salt <node-ID> 'rpm -qa kernel-devel | sort -V | tail -n 1'
Screenshot below:
3. SSH to the Node-X from the probe output using its IP or FQDN.
If you are unsure what is the IP of the Node-X from the probe, run the following command from NwAdmin Node.
# salt <node-ID> network.ip_addrs em1
4. Run the following command to remove all versions of kernel-devel EXCEPT the latest version from the node-x mentioned in the output:
# yum remove $(rpm -qa kernel-devel | sort -V | sed '$d')
Press ‘y’ after checking the list of packages that are about to be removed.
Screenshot below with a portion of the output:Image description
NOTE: This step (4) MUST be done from the Node-X from the probe output, NOT from the Admin node.