checksum.all is an entity in the concentrator and it includes the following keys in index-concentrator.xml.
<entity description="All Checksum Keys" name="checksum.all">
<keyref name="checksum"/>
<keyref name="checksum.src"/>
<keyref name="checksum.dst"/>
We recommend that all the keys in the entity should be indexed at the same level. If not, this issue would occur.
For example, checksum.src and checksum.dst are indexed as "IndexValues" in index-concentrator.xml, but checksum is indexed as "Indexkeys" in index-concentrator-custom.xml.
In this case, the index level of checksum should be changed to "IndexValues"
<key description="Source Checksum" name="checksum.src" format="Text" level="IndexValues" valueMax="20000000"/>
<key description="Target Checksum" name="checksum.dst" format="Text" level="IndexValues" valueMax="20000000"/>
<key description="Checksum" name="checksum" format="Text" level="Indexkeys"/>
Option #1 : Restart the concentrator service.
Option #2 (Recommended) : Navigate to Explore page of the concentrator. Right click "index" node and click "properties". Select "save" from dropdown and click send. This should make the changed index effective.
This should resolve the error: "Entity checksum.all has a non-matching index level for referenced key checksum.src"