RSA Product Set: RSA Security Analytics
RSA Product/Service Type: RSA Log Collector, RSA Log Decoder
RSA Version/Condition: 10.5.x, 10.6.x
Platform: Centos
O/S Version: EL6
The RabbitMQ config file points to incorrect certificates files, this can be noticed by any of the below symptoms:
Symptom 1:
Queues on the Local Log Collector are missing consumers this can be confirmed by running the below command:
SSH to the Log Decoder:
rabbitmqctl list_queues -p logcollection name consumers | column -t
If there are no consumers, the output should look like the below, where 0 means that there are no consumers to the corresponding queues:
[root@logdecoder /]# rabbitmqctl list_queues -p logcollection name consumers | column -t
Listing queues ...
LogDecoder.logdecoder.checkpoint 0
LogDecoder.logdecoder.cmdscript 0
LogDecoder.logdecoder.file 0
LogDecoder.logdecoder.netflow 0
LogDecoder.logdecoder.odbc 0
LogDecoder.logdecoder.sdee 0
LogDecoder.logdecoder.snmptrap 0
LogDecoder.logdecoder.syslog 0
LogDecoder.logdecoder.vmware 0 0
LogDecoder.logdecoder.windowslegacy 0
rabbitmq.log 0
Symptom 2:
Errors similar to the below are noticed in the RabbitMQ log file under :
=ERROR REPORT==== 31-Oct-2016::13:09:09 ===
SSL: certify: ssl_handshake.erl:1331:Fatal error: bad certificate
=ERROR REPORT==== 31-Oct-2016::13:09:09 ===
SSL: certify: ssl_handshake.erl:1331:Fatal error: bad certificate
=ERROR REPORT==== 31-Oct-2016::13:09:09 ===
SSL: certify: ssl_handshake.erl:1331:Fatal error: bad certificate
=ERROR REPORT==== 31-Oct-2016::13:09:11 ===
Error on AMQP connection <0.12631.0>:
{ssl_upgrade_error,{tls_alert,"bad certificate"}}
=ERROR REPORT==== 31-Oct-2016::13:09:11 ===
Error on AMQP connection <0.12635.0>:
{ssl_upgrade_error,{tls_alert,"bad certificate"}}
Symptom 3:
Errors similar to the below are noticed Log Collector Logs under:
Oct 31 11:26:19 NwLogCollector[19565]: [AMQPClientBase] [failure] An error occurred creating an AMQP channel: Error in opening SSL/TLS connection for socket
Oct 31 11:26:19 NwLogCollector[19565]: [LogdecoderProcessor] [failure] [queue.windowslegacy] [idle] Failed during getWork: Error in opening SSL/TLS connection for socket
Oct 31 11:26:19 NwLogCollector[19565]: [AMQPClientBase] [failure] An error occurred creating an AMQP channel: Error in opening SSL/TLS connection for socket
Oct 31 11:26:19 NwLogCollector[19565]: [LogdecoderProcessor] [failure] [] [idle] Failed during getWork: Error in opening SSL/TLS connection for socket
Oct 31 11:26:19 NwLogCollector[19565]: [AMQPClientBase] [failure] An error occurred creating an AMQP channel: Error in opening SSL/TLS connection for socket
Oct 31 11:26:19 NwLogCollector[19565]: [LogdecoderProcessor] [failure] [queue.vmware] [idle] Failed during getWork: Error in opening SSL/TLS connection for socket
RabbitMQ certificates are not pointing to the correct files.
The truststore.pem certificate located under:
should be pointing to the truststore.pem certificate file under:
The cert.pem and privkey.pem certificates under:
should be pointing to cert.pem and key.pem certificates respectively under:
SSH to the Log Decoder and run the below commands:
cd /etc/netwitness/ng/rabbitmq/ssl/
ln -s /etc/rabbitmq/ssl/truststore.pem truststore.pem
cd keys/
ln -s /etc/rabbitmq/ssl/server/cert.pem cert.pem
ln -s /etc/rabbitmq/ssl/server/key.pem privkey.pem
The output should be something like this:
[root@logdecoder ssl]# pwd
[root@logdecoder ssl]# ll
total 4
drwxr-xr-x. 2 rabbitmq root 4096 Jun 25 2015 keys
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 rabbitmq root 32 Jun 25 2015 truststore.pem -> /etc/rabbitmq/ssl/truststore.pem
[root@logdecoder ssl]# cd keys/
[root@logdecoder keys]# ll
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 rabbitmq root 33 Jun 25 2015 cert.pem -> /etc/rabbitmq/ssl/server/cert.pem
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 rabbitmq root 32 Jun 25 2015 privkey.pem -> /etc/rabbitmq/ssl/server/key.pem