In /var/log/messages on the VLC, an error similar to the following is displayed:
Aug 4 22:20:51 NWAPPLIANCE32722 nw[1434]: [MessageBroker] [warning] warning 2014-08-04T15.20.51Z At least one queue exists that does not have any consumers. This condition may arise because the Log Collector is not currently running or parts of the system have been shut down. In some cases this condition may arise becau
The message is truncated in /var/log/message. To obtain the full message, perform the following steps:
The full message will be displayed, as shown below.
Warning 2014-08-05T09.00.51Z At least one queue exists that does not have any consumers. This condition may arise because the Log Collector is not currently running or parts of the system have been shut down. In some cases this condition may arise because a queue consumer (such as an event processor or VLC connection) was removed outside of the normal course of operation. The queue names that have no consumers are are: "shovel.sdee.Q2LC", "shovel.file.Q2LC", "shovel.syslog.Q2LC", "shovel.checkpoint.Q2LC", "", "shovel.vmware.Q2LC", "shovel.windowslegacy.Q2LC", "shovel.snmptrap.Q2LC", "shovel.odbc.Q2LC". Make sure that the Log Collector process is running and that all event processors are in the running state. If this warning message persists and you are certain there are no legitimate consumers of these queues, you may delete them via the 'delete' property on the '/event-broker' node. Supply the queue name to delete...."
On the VLC device run the following command.
rabbitmqctl list_queues -p logcollection consumers name messages
Look for those queue names without an consumers.[root@VLC ~]# rabbitmqctl list_queues -p logcollection consumers name messages Timeout: 60.0 seconds ... Listing queues for vhost logcollection ... consumers name messages 0 shovel.windowslegacy.Q2LC 0 0 shovel.vmware.Q2LC 0 0 shovel.checkpoint.Q2LC 0 0 shovel.netflow.Q2LC 0 0 shovel.sdee.Q2LC 0 0 shovel.file.Q2LC 0 0 0 0 shovel.cmdscript.Q2LC 97406 0 shovel.odbc.Q2LC 0 0 shovel.syslog.Q2LC 2592 0 shovel.snmptrap.Q2LC 0 1 shovel.vmware.LogHybrid 0 1 shovel.odbc.LogHybrid 0 1 shovel.sdee.LogHybrid 0 1 shovel.file.LogHybrid 0 1 shovel.netflow.LogHybrid 0 1 shovel.syslog.LogHybrid 0 1 shovel.checkpoint.LogHybrid 0 1 shovel.cmdscript.LogHybrid 0 1 shovel.snmptrap.LogHybrid 0 1 0 1 rabbitmq.log 0Where,
[root@VLC ~]# rabbitmqctl delete_queue -p logcollection shovel.windowslegacy.Q2LC