With default ESA SMTP template the report shows esa_time in "milliseconds" passed since the epoch, while event_time and time provided by concentrator in "seconds" passed since the epoch, as figure shown below.
Image descriptionThey are not human readable time. So need adjust the esa smtp template to change the time format.
Please modify the default SMTP template as follows:
Find the following two lines from the original template:
<td><@value_of metadata[key]/></td>
ESA allows you to define useful templates with FreeMarker language. Below is a sample to change the time format.
Create a custom esa smtp template, copy the content of default SMTP template, then modify the custom template and apply the new template to the esa alert.
For SA 10.4.x,
Find the following two lines from the original template:
<td><@value_of metadata[key]/></td>
Change them as follows:
<td><#if key == "time" || key == "event_time">${(metadata[key] * 1000)?number_to_datetime}<#elseif key ==
"esa_time"><@value_of metadata[key]?number_to_datetime/><#else><@value_of metadata[key]/></#if></td>
For SA 10.5.x & 10.6.x,
Find the following two lines from the original template:
<td><span style="color: #363636; font-family: Arial; font-size: 1.1em;">${key}</span></td>
<td><span style="color: #363636; font-family: Arial; font-size: 1.1em;"><@value_of metadata[key]/></span></td>
Change them as follows:
<td><span style="color: #363636; font-family: Arial; font-size: 1.1em;">${key}</span></td>
<td><span style="color: #363636; font-family: Arial; font-size: 1.1em;"><#if key == "time" || key == "event_time">${(metadata[key] * 1000)?number_to_datetime}<#elseif
key == "esa_time"><@value_of metadata[key]?number_to_datetime/><#else><@value_of metadata[key]/></#if></span></td>
Below is a sample output
Image description