Article Number
Applies To
RSA Product Set: Security Analytics
RSA Product/Service Type: SA Security Analytics Server
RSA Version/Condition: 10.4.x, 10.5.x
Platform: CentOS
O/S Version: EL6
When deploying a new Security Analytics Server, the WebUI fails to start and returns the following error:
Problem accessing /. Reason:
Service Unavailable
Image descriptionThe following log entries from /var/log/messages are also encountered.
Image description
The "underscore" character is not an acceptable character for hostnames.
The Security Analytics Server cannot use the "underscore" or "_" character in the host name and will prevent the Security Analytics Server WebUI from starting.
Remove the "_" character from the hostname and replace with another ASCII character.
Avoid using non-alphanumeric characters such as "_" or "@" or "!" in host names. A full list of acceptable and unacceptable characters for Security Analytics appliances has not been posted, however, you may refer to the Internet standards (Requests for Comments) for protocols mandate that component hostname labels may contain only the ASCII letters 'a' through 'z' (in a case-insensitive manner), the digits '0' through '9', and the hyphen ('-'). The original specification of hostnames in RFC 952, mandated that labels could not start with a digit or with a hyphen, and must not end with a hyphen. However, a subsequent specification (RFC 1123) permitted hostname labels to start with digits. No other symbols, punctuation characters, or white space are permitted.
This should affect all versions of Security Analytics but it has not been confirmed on versions prior to 10.4.