1. How to get additional ODBC connection tracing from a Log Collector test connection?
2. How to test an ODBC connection from a RSA Security Analytics Log Collector?
Add the following lines to the beginning of the /etc/netwitness/ng/odbc.ini file.
Trace=1, or Trace=yes, is to enable the trace logging
TraceFile is the directory, and the pre-fix filename used for the trace files, for example see files /tmp/odbc-trace01.log and /tmp/odbc-traceINFO.log
TraceDll is the Progress Dll to be used to do the tracing, the file must exist in the path provided.
To disable either remove the added Trace lines, or change to Trace=0, or put a "#" character a the beginning of each Trace line.
Requires the nwlogcollectortools rpm package to be installed on the Log Collector appliance.
If it is not already installed, install it with the command,
rpm -Uvh nwlogcollectortools
a. Set the following environment variables:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/netwitness/odbc/lib:/usr/lib64 LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export ODBCINI=/etc/netwitness/ng/odbc.ini
export ODBCINST=/opt/netwitness/odbc/odbcinst.ini
b. Run the ODBC connection test with the following command:
/usr/bin/NwOdbcExample --dsn=<DSN> --username=<USER> --password=<PASSWORD>
<DSN> is a dsn entry already configured in the /etc/netwitness/ng/odbc.ini file
<USER> is the Database username, it is best to use the username configured in the Log Collector, to test how SA will try to login to the database
<PASSWORD> Database password
If the command is successful it will return a SQL> prompt.
You can run a SQL command, like to test if the Database username has permission to access a database table
You can use "quit" to exit the SQL prompt.