Login Banner Tab

The Login Banner tab provides a way to add a banner to the NetWitness login screen, which will prevent a user from logging on until they agree to the conditions. Add the server title prefix to differentiate the NetWitness Server of the current tab, when you have multiple deployed in your system. You can customize the default title and text of the login banner. The banner is disabled by default.

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Role I want to ... Show me how
Admin Create or enable a login banner (Optional) Create a Customized Login Banner

Quick Look

To access this view, go to netwitness_adminicon_25x22.png (Admin) > Security and click the Login Banner tab.

The following table lists the features of the Login Banner tab.

Feature Description
Server Title Prefix Displays the prefix of the NetWitness Server on the title bar.
Enabled Checkbox that indicates whether or not the login banner is enabled. This box is cleared by default.
Login Banner Title Shows the title of the dialog box that contains the login conditions.
Login Banner Shows the conditions the user must acknowledge.