2021-07-21 05:03 PM
Keep getting Please correct the field(s) that have errors. whenever I try to upload a file when configuring an identity feed or any feed. Any one have ideas what I might be doing wrong?
2021-07-22 04:50 PM
The feed wizard is complaining about the space in the feed name field.
However, you're going to run into other issues with the actual contents of your feed - specifically that you have values of different types in your Indicator column.
You need to be able to tell the feed wizard in which column to find the metavalues and the metakey(s) for those values. So if you tell the feed wizard to index your Indicator column, you will have to define the metakey for that column, and you cannot use metakeys with different formats; e.g.: checksums are Text types and IPs are IPv4 types.
I recommend taking a look through the Custom Feed documentation: https://community.rsa.com/t5/netwitness-platform-online/create-a-custom-feed/ta-p/621033
2021-07-22 02:12 PM
We're gonna need a lot more details if we're gonna be able to help you.
What does your upload file look like? What are the contents of the feed you are trying to create? What do you see in the logs?
2021-07-22 03:55 PM
2021-07-22 04:50 PM
The feed wizard is complaining about the space in the feed name field.
However, you're going to run into other issues with the actual contents of your feed - specifically that you have values of different types in your Indicator column.
You need to be able to tell the feed wizard in which column to find the metavalues and the metakey(s) for those values. So if you tell the feed wizard to index your Indicator column, you will have to define the metakey for that column, and you cannot use metakeys with different formats; e.g.: checksums are Text types and IPs are IPv4 types.
I recommend taking a look through the Custom Feed documentation: https://community.rsa.com/t5/netwitness-platform-online/create-a-custom-feed/ta-p/621033
2021-07-22 04:59 PM
Thank you