2016-03-20 07:48 AM
I have some usefull data in user.dst and OS metakeys in SA from one event souce (this data I receive from 3rd feed). I wish feed this data (user.dst and OS) some events where user.dst exist. How I can do it? How I can extract this data like CSV from SA and the feed some events like new feed?
2016-03-24 04:08 PM
Here is my correct version.
Give this one a go and let me know how you get on. I'm going to be away for a couple of weeks now, but will pick this up when I return.
2016-03-22 11:57 AM
Hi Alex. I'm afraid I don't understand the question. Would you be able to give an example to show what you want to achieve?
2016-03-23 02:44 AM
Hello David,
I mean this:
In neighbours thread we received result - a feed contents of OS, device and other metakeys from microsoftiis. After feeding events I have events contains user.dst and OS metakey from microsoftiis. I wish use this data to feed any other events (without duplicate data in metakeys from microsoftiis). For example I have events contains user.dst and alias.host metakeys from winevent_nic. I wish create reports with alias.host ans OS metakeys but I don't want have 2 same OS metakeys in events from microsoftiis.
2016-03-23 05:18 AM
Thanks Alex. I understand what you mean now. Let me take a look.
2016-03-23 12:45 PM
Okay this is version 1. I'm sure that there are going to be issues but lets give it a go.
In the script you define a set of meta keys that you want to use in your feed.
METAKEYS="os.name os.platform os.sname os.type os.ver brand model bot.info clientinfo.type clientinfo.name clientinfo.sname clientinfo.ver clientinfo.plat"
You also define a link field. This is the field that you will matching on in your feed. In my case I made it ip.src but you could chnage it to what you want the index field of your feed to be. So in your original request this will be user.dst
Other Parameters are
What the script does is as follows:
Remember to recreate a recurrent feed in the SA GUI to make use of your feed.
I've attached the script but here it is. I'm sure it can be improved!
rawurlencode() {
local string="${1}"
local strlen=${#string}
local encoded=""
local pos c o
for (( pos=0 ; pos<strlen ; pos++ )); do
case "$c" in
[-_=.:/\&\?~a-zA-Z0-9] ) o="${c}" ;;
* ) printf -v o '%%%02x' "'$c"
echo "${encoded}" # You can either set a return variable (FASTER)
REPLY="${encoded}" #+or echo the result (EASIER)... or both...
CurrentTime=$(date -u +"%Y-%b-%d %H:%M:%S")
#echo "Current Time is: " $CurrentTime
PreviousTime=$(date -u -d '1 hour ago' +"%Y-%b-%d %H:%M:%S")
#echo "1 Hour Ago was: " $PreviousTime
# The Callback key we will use in our feed
#The Meta Keys that we want in our feed
METAKEYS="os.name os.platform os.sname os.type os.ver brand model bot.info clientinfo.type clientinfo.name clientinfo.sname clientinfo.ver clientinfo.plat"
EXISTS=$(echo "$METAKEYS" |sed 's/ / exists ||/g')
SELECT=$(echo "$METAKEYS" |sed 's/ /,/g')
#echo "EXISTS: " $EXISTS
#echo "SELECT: " $SELECT
# First Get All Link Fields where our Meta Keys Exist
#URL="http://$BROKER/sdk?msg=query&size=$MAXRESULTS&query=select distinct($LINKFIELD) where $EXISTS&time='$PreviousTime'-'$CurrentTime'&force-content-type=text/plain"
#echo "URL: " $URL
URL=$( rawurlencode "$URL")
#echo "Encoded URL: " $URL
curl -s --user "$USER:$PASSWORD" "$URL" |grep value |cut -d " " -f 9 |cut -d "=" -f 2 >/tmp/linkfields.txt
#curl -s --user "$USER:$PASSWORD" "$URL" >/tmp/linkfields.output
# Print out the header for our file
while read link; do
# We know that our linkfield has values for out METAKEYS so lets get the values over the last hour
URL="http://$BROKER/sdk?msg=query&size=$MAXRESULTS&query=select $SELECT where $LINKFIELD=$link&time='$PreviousTime'-'$CurrentTime'&force-content-type=text/plain"
URL=$( rawurlencode "$URL")
# Our Result will contain ^M Line endings so we replace these with newline characters
$(curl -s --user "$USER:$PASSWORD" "$URL" >/tmp/result.txt)
dos2unix -q -o /tmp/result.txt
for meta in $METAKEYS
#cat /tmp/result.txt |grep value |grep -m 1 $meta >/tmp/$link.$meta.output.txt
OUTPUT+=$(cat /tmp/result.txt |grep value |grep -m 1 $meta |cut -d "=" -f 6 |sed 's/ type//' |xargs )
done </tmp/linkfields.txt
2016-03-24 04:29 AM
Hello David,
This is a great work, but I can't receive result. I have "408 Request Timeout: Request Timeout" when I do: ""
2016-03-24 05:23 AM
Hi Alex,
I had a look at this. The reason is I didn't add a timeout to the query string.
Try adding this to the end of the curl strings
2016-03-24 05:53 AM
Version 2 is coming. This will add the ability to have multiple values in the feed. What I will do is create a feed to take into account the multiple values so you may have an output such as
etc Thanks Pablo Trigo for the help.
2016-03-24 05:57 AM
This is helped to receive result via URL. But I have error in scrip line 73: "No such file or directory". I have created result file manually, but after start script this files does not changes. He still have length 0 and date of manual creation.
2016-03-24 08:37 AM
The script writes a lot of files into /tmp
It also doesnt clean them up so if you look in the files hopefully you can work out why it went wrong.
Line 73 was the last line in the file so it might be complaining about /tmp/linkfields.txt
Check the contents of this file. If it is empty, then run the command
curl -s --user "$USER:$PASSWORD" "$URL" |grep value |cut -d " " -f 9 |cut -d "=" -f 2 >/tmp/linkfields.txt
to see what gets generated. I commented out alot of my echo fields that I used for debugging. Just remove the comments in front of them and hopefully that will help.