2014-07-12 01:30 AM
Does anyone have any documentation regarding configuring WinRM to listen over HTTPS via Windows Group Policy for the purpose of sending Windows Server Events to Log Decoder. Everything I found thus far only deals with configuring WinRM over HTTP. I'm told this can be done, but I cannot seem to find anything on the subject. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
2014-07-12 11:59 AM
Have you successfully enabled winrm using https? if yes, then just use the same setting in GPO.
2014-07-13 10:27 PM
The customer I am working with has not attempted to enable HTTPs, manually. The concern they have is the documentation (see attached) provided does not mention you can use a GPO for WinRM over HTTPS. It is only detailed for HTTP. From looking at the the screen shots, it appears they were taken from a 2003/XP system for the options available for Vista/Win7/2008/2008R2 are:
I would assume they would configure "Allow unencrypted traffic" as disabled, enable "Turn On Compatible HTTPS Listener", and then follow the remaining steps as outlined for HTTP plus the certificate pieces as outlined for HTTPS in the document. Is this correct?
What I believe what the customer is looking for is "actual" RSA documentation which walks them through the configuration so that they feel both comfortable and confident everything is configured as it should.
2014-09-19 11:55 AM
Any updates on Security Analytics documentation for winrm over HTTPS?
Need to get this working