2020-09-03 09:02 AM
Hello All, I was wondering if anyone could help me use ESA with my packet concentrators to automate my process for investigating teleworkers logging in from different sources within a specific window.
I run a daily report that displays all of the users and their source IPs/source organizations (ISP, VPN, etc). I manually review these reports for users with more than one "org.src" value.
I know this could be easily done with logs and a SEIM, but since all I control is Netwitness packets I'm hoping there is a way to write an ESA rule that could highlight usernames with multiple unique "org.src" values, say in a 6 (or even 24) hour period, or would this overload the ESA?
Edited to add: I'm also asking this because if it's doable, it'll help me better understand creating more detailed ESA rules.
2020-09-06 08:58 AM
Hi Joshua,
It is possible to hold all events in 1 window. Every time, you add a new org_src entry for each ip.src in the window. If 1 ip.src come from 2 or more org_src, you fire an alert. Below, I wrote this EPL example using EsperTech Esper EPL Online.
Can you try it and let me know if this is what you are looking for?
// Create Window to store events
CREATE WINDOW RemoteUsers.win:time(24 hours) (ip_src string, org_src string);// Insert into the Window, IP source and org source
@Name('Insert into Window')
select ip_src as ip_src, org_src as org_src FROM Event(device_type='vpnparser');@Name('Fire Alert')
SELECT ip_src, count(*) FROM RemoteUsers group by ip_src HAVING count(distinct(org_src)) > 1;
2020-09-11 07:42 AM
Hi Karim, thanks for this! I got pulled onto another project over the last few days, but I will try this out and let you know. Thanks again!
2020-09-15 10:31 AM
Hi Karim,
Unfortunately, it looks like this doesn't work. As you can see below I did tweak your code just a bit to match the metakeys I'm using for my searches, but I ran a regular search for teleworkers today, and ESA did not alert on two users I saw with different source logins within 12 hours of each other.
CREATE WINDOW RemoteUsers.win:time(24 hours)
(user string, org_src string)
SELECT user as user, org_src as org_src FROM Event(
( 'teleworker' = ANY( risk_info ))
SELECT user, count(*) FROM RemoteUsers
group by user
count(distinct(org_src)) > 1