2017-11-15 11:05 AM
Hi all,
I would like to know if there is a way to discover the data model passed by ESM alarms to the CEF Freemarker templates, in "Global Notifications".
The reason behind this question is that I want to use a custom CEF Syslog template, so I want to know which data is available in order to build a more complete Syslog message.
Anyone knows if this is possible?
Thanks in advance.
2017-11-15 01:29 PM
Any meta that was associated with the sessions comprising the alert are eligible to be called by freemarker. Below is an example of a CEF Syslog output I built as part of an integration with ArcSight last year:
<#include "macros.ftl">
<#list events as x> CEF:0|RSA|NetWitness|10.6.2|${x.event_type!""}|${moduleName}|${x.severity!""}|act="<#if x.action?has_content><@value_of x.action /></#if>" app=${x.protocol!""} destinationDnsDomain=${x.domain_dst!""} destinationServiceName="${x.client!""}" dmac=${x.eth_dst!""} sntdom=${x.ad_domain_src!""} dproc="${x.process!""}" dpt=${x.tcp_dstport!""} dst=${x.ip_dst!""} duid='${x.user_dst!""}' dvc=${x.device_ip!""} dvchost=${x.device_host!""} endTime=${time?datetime} externalId=${x.rid!""} fileType=${x.filetype!""} fileName="${x.filename!""}" msg="${x.event_desc!""}" transportProtocol=${x.service!""} reason="${x.result_code!""}" requestClientApplication="${x.user_agent!""}" requestMethod="<#if x.action?has_content><@value_of x.action /></#if>" sourceHostName=${x.host_src!""} src=${x.ip_src!""} smac=${x.eth_src!""} sourceDnsDomain=${x.domain_src!""} suid='${x.user_src!""}' type=${x.medium!""} deviceCustomDate1=${x.event_time!""} deviceCustomDate1Label="Event Time" cs2=${time?datetime?iso_m_nz("GMT+01")} cs2Label="Custom Time String plus 1 Hour" cs1=${time?datetime?iso_m_nz("GMT-01")} cs1Label="Custom Time String minus 1 Hour" cat="${x.event_cat_name!""}" spriv="${x.group!""}" cs3="${x.alert_id!""}" cs3Label="Alert ID" cs4="${x.msg_id!""}" cs4Label="Message ID" cs5="${x.risk_info!""}-${x.risk_suspicious!""}-${x.risk_warning!""}" cs5Label="Risk Categories" cs6="${x.category!""}" cs6Label="NW Category" suser='${x.ad_username_src!""}' deviceExternalId=${x.did!""} dhost=<#if x.alias_host?has_content><@value_of x.alias_host/></#if> spt=${x.tcp_srcport!""} duser='${x.ad_username_dst!""}' fileSize=${x.size!""} fileHash=${x.checksum!""} outcome="${x.ec_outcome!""}" cn1=${x.sessionid!""} cn1Label="SessionID" </#list>
Note that that particular template will include all events associated with an Alert (aka, if the alert was 5 failed logins, all 5 login events will be sent).
To break this down, let's use an example:
src= : is hardcoded and expected in the template from the receiving device
${ : ${ is indicating the beginning of a variable
x. : 'x.' is required as part of the "list events as x" from above.
ip_src : this is how the metakey is represented within ESA. On the core appliance, it would be ip.src. You can find a list of all metakeys and their ESA formats under Alert>Config>Settings . The general rule of thumb is that all decimals are replaced with underscores in metakey names
!""" : when this is present after a metakey, it means that when the value is empty a null/blank value will be substituted.
} : Closing the variable
2017-11-15 01:43 PM
I should follow up, if you simply want to call a metakey and do nothing else, all you have to do is the following:
2017-11-16 05:04 AM
Thank you, Evan! Your answer is clear and precise, but I meant the "Event Source Monitoring" Alarm Notification. That is the notification you get when a policy concerning Event Sources is violated. Let me be more specific, this is my currently working template:
<@compress single_line=true>CEF:0|RSA|Security Analytics Event Source Monitoring|${version}|
<#if highAlarmsCount gt 0> HighThresholdAlert | ThresholdExceeded |1| cat=${group} policy=A string goes here! <#list highAlarmEventSources as es>
<#assign x = es?split("-") />
src=${x[0]} event.source=${x[1]}
</#if><#if lowAlarmsCount gt 0> LowThresholdAlert | ThresholdViolated |1| cat=${group} policy=A string goes here! <#list lowAlarmEventSources as es>
<#assign x = es?split("-") />
src=${x[0]} event.source=${x[1]}
As you see, I can address to ${group} which consists in the Group name the Event Source is associated to. The variable 'lowAlarmEventSources' is something like ' ...'; that's why I'm splitting it like that.
Let's say I want to include the name of the Log Collector which collects the alarmed source(s) in the CEF message, I tried with ${logCollector} (not randomly, cause it's an index in mongodb on SA server: db.getCollection('esmalarm').find({}));
but apparently it's not the right approach.
What variables can I actually address? Surely I can address to alert-related variables, such as 'lowAlarmsCount', 'group', 'lowAlarmEventSources', I hope that's not all of it, but so far no documentation covers it.
Thank you again for your time and understanding.
2017-11-16 09:28 AM
I am recalling I've asked that question a couple of years ago. The answer was there is no any data model being provided to notifications of the ESM but the only one string you mentioned and they parse it within the template as you have found out. I have asked to raise an RFE for a data model to be implemented like in ESA. Unfortunately, I cannot find any reference now.