2020-11-17 03:14 AM
I'm interested in learning what would be best practice for filtering false alerts.
We have a nwfeed file from a threat intel provider that maps IPs, domains and emails to threat actors.
An ESA alert is created to alert on those threat actors names and that sometimes causes false positive alerts. It's just a simple alert (select * if alert = <insert actor name>)
I don't think I can get into the feed file because it isn't in clear text and the intel vendor won't remove them.
We've done our investigation on these alerts and their false positives so I'd like to filter them out as FP, what's the best practice for doing that?
2020-11-17 12:51 PM
This looks like a good use for using Context Hub lists in your rules: Alerting: Configure a Context Hub List as an Enrichment Source
Even better, if your environment is at 11.5+ you can add/remove your indicators from Context Hub blacklists and whitelists auto-magically using the @RSAContext annotation : https://community.rsa.com/docs/DOC-110233
2020-11-18 02:23 AM
Thanks Josh, that sounds perfect.
And we are on 11.5+ as well.