2018-08-24 04:22 PM
I have 4 packet decoders on 2 different networks. Everything seems to be fine except that decoders and concentrators on one network_2 do not seem to be reporting the same set of stats to the SA as those on network 1. This makes the Health and Wellness reports incorrect. If I am not mistaken none of these servers are virtual machines.
The network_1 decoders report:
DiskRaid, Filesystem, SystemInfo, Assembler, Capture, Database, Decoder, Index, Pool ProcessInfo, Puppet, livecontent, Messagebus and Collectd
The network_2 decoders report only:
DiskRaid, Filesystem, SystemInfo, ProcessInfo, Puppet, livecontent, Messagebus and Collectd
Does anyone have an idea as to why these two report sets differ?