2016-11-11 10:54 AM
Is it possible to install Legacy Windows Collector on non-System disk? I have a C: as System disk and I planned 😧 for LWC, but it turned out that I can't choose installation directory. It will be good eihter to install LWC on 😧 or move all directories where messages will be stored to D:.
Can I just change some system variable during installation time? I tried SystemDrive and Homedrive - but it was not work.
Or maybe I can change some configs after installation to move store directories?
2016-11-14 05:24 AM
Opened case before, but no solution, already asked support open a RFE. In the end my customer just install to c drive.
2016-11-14 01:25 PM
Thank you for your answer. Looks like I have to do the same =(