2013-12-05 07:22 AM
Today i was working on SA for packet, the appliance shipped with 10.3, after few round testing, some issues made us decided to roll back 10.2 SP2, below are the issues:
1. Malware cloud(community) not able to activate, roll back 10.2 SP2(with same CID) resolved issue.
2. Broker missing meta value. The new index-broker.xml only has one entry regarding time. From the testing, malware not able to get any files to analyse. If target to concentration, everything works. Roll back to 10.2 SP2 resolved issue.
I searched KB, so far no 10.3 issues yet. maybe need to wait 10.3 SP1.
2013-12-05 03:47 PM
The reason index-broker.xml only has time is that it is no longer necessary to update the index on a broker. It gathers it's language from all the downstream devices. So it the broker talks to 3 concentrators, it will make the language call to the 3 concentrators and merge the results. It is only necessary to maintain the language on the concentrators.
However, if you feel it necessary, you are welcome to define a language in index-broker-custom.xml. That will be used if it's provided. The only time that would be necessary is if all devices are offline and you still want a full language returned.
2013-12-05 03:47 PM
The reason index-broker.xml only has time is that it is no longer necessary to update the index on a broker. It gathers it's language from all the downstream devices. So it the broker talks to 3 concentrators, it will make the language call to the 3 concentrators and merge the results. It is only necessary to maintain the language on the concentrators.
However, if you feel it necessary, you are welcome to define a language in index-broker-custom.xml. That will be used if it's provided. The only time that would be necessary is if all devices are offline and you still want a full language returned.
2013-12-05 07:35 PM
Hi Scott,
The problem is from the concentration i'm able to find the meta value, but from broker cannot. The broker is aggregating from the concentrator. Is there any additional settings need to be configured?
2013-12-05 07:44 PM
No, there shouldn't be, but I'd like to diagnose this further. If you don't mind, can you use explorer view, NwConsole or a browser and attach the output of the "/sdk language" command from both the broker and concentrator? Also, let me know which meta key you see on the concentrator but not the broker. For the language call, just pass "size=300" as the only parameter, which should be large enough to see all the keys.
In addition, if you could capture the audit log of the language call sent by the broker to the concentrator, I'd like to see that as well.
2013-12-09 12:27 AM
Hi Scott,
Let me setup my testing lab and update you.
2013-12-10 12:41 PM
Hi Scott,
In my own lab system, everything is ok now. I'm not sure what happened in the customer setup.
same for the malware community access, in my lab there is no issue.
Maybe some unique issue. Anyway already 10.2 SP2.
Thanks for the help.
2013-12-19 06:08 PM
If this is the case, then why does it only return events with "Time" in the select field. Using Informer, I can not return any results if I ask for anything other than time in the select field. If what you say is true, then why doesnt it call the language keys from "down river"?
Attached is the same /sdk language command you mentioned earlier...i just dont understand how i can see the language there but not in Informer...?
2013-12-19 07:03 PM
had the same issue 1 again:
1. Malware cloud(community) not able to activate
For issue 2. Broker missing meta value, i waited for a few seconds then the meta came in. but if concentrator doesn't have the meta in the meta group, it will still show 'missing meta' in the broker.
2013-12-20 01:13 PM
For the first question, you will need to register your device ID with support for Community results to work.
2013-12-20 01:49 PM
The relevant link to docs that describe the process is here: