2019-05-23 07:04 AM
We have a Log Decoder that is being flooded with "NwLogDecoder [21327]: [Parse] [failure] Meta processing failed for session with: Bad case" messages. I have not seen this message before and it is causing the LD & LC to show 0 capture rate in H&W. The only difference I have seen with this LD compared to other LD's in our environment is that this servers Cache Directory was configured for /var/netwitness/logdecoder/cache while others were configured for /var/netwitness/cache. I made the change and restarted all services (puppet, rabbitmq-server, collectd, mcollective, nwappliance, nwlogdecoder) and the messages reappeared. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
2019-05-23 09:33 AM
Have you pushed the latest parser packages? Can you also start by turning off parsers that you don’t need?
Jim Hollar
O/M: 678.348.0889