2018-11-02 04:49 PM
Hello RSA Team-
I am standing up a lab NW 11.1 setup which includes Packet Decoder in a lab environment that has both wired and wireless traffic . On reviewing the wlan-config.xml from within Admin -> Service - DecoderX -> Config -> Files selection I identified a portion of the XML that seems apropos but only speaks of WEP keys. Absent from the RSA Community documentation was any mention of WPA. (Maybe there is more but I did not find it this afternoon).
Check out the default exhibit below :
An example document illustrating the desired configuration of the wireless NIC and the
definition of a single wireless access point with a single default key is as follows:
# Configure the RFMON channel of the wireless device to capture packets on
<device name="wlan0" channel="11"/>
# Configure all the APs that you will be capturing traffic from
<accesspoint bssid="00:1f:90:ea:6d:85" ssid="MySSID" channel="11">
<key value="3A6FEE676D"/>
Can anyone advise on whether WPA/WPA2 encryption can be used with a NW 11.x decoder? What does that look like with respect to XML?