2023-02-23 02:01 AM
I'm trying to register new support case in case portal, but getting access denied error.
2023-10-25 05:38 PM
I hope you have been able to open a Support case on the portal by this point. However for anyone else that may be seeing this thread. If you are having an issue with opening a case on the NetWitness Case Portal there are two additional options. The first is to email support@netwitness.com and let them know you are having difficulty accessing the case portal. They will work with you to address that issue, they can also help with opening the case you needed to access the portal for in the first place. The other way is to call in to Support to let them know you are having issues. https://community.netwitness.com/t5/support-information/how-to-contact-netwitness-support/ta-p/563897 is the page that contains the contact numbers toward the bottom.
I hope this helps.