2019-03-05 11:40 AM
I am trying to determine the time of an event based on session meta derived by query through the Netwitness Logs & Network API. This is an example response:
[{"dns.querytype": "ptr record", "analysis.session": "single sided udp", "netname": "other dst", "lifetime": "0", "alias.host": "", "payload": "110", "size": "194", "requestpayload": "110", "service": "53", "city.dst": "Dublin", "ip.src": "", "rid": "786116792", "eth.src": "", "udp.srcport": "50784", "udp.dstport": "53", "feed.name": "", "direction": "outbound", "medium": "1", "ip.dst": "", "tld": "arpa", "org.dst": "Amazon.com", "sessionid": "786116792", "latdec.dst": "53.3389", "eth.type": "2048", "inv.category": "operations", "eth.dst": "18:8B:9D:72:31:D0", "did": "nwapplhybrid022018", "longdec.dst": "-6.2595", "packets": "2", "analysis.service": "tld not com net org", "streams": "1", "country.dst": "Ireland", "time": 1550554959, "sld": "in-addr", "inv.context": "protocol analysis", "ip.proto": "17"}]
What time format is the "time" variable returned by the API? Thank you for your help.
2019-03-05 11:45 AM
This is Unix Epoch time. You can convert using any Unix Epoch time coverter to human readable format. https://www.epochconverter.com/
2019-03-05 11:51 AM
Also to use a formula in Excel =TEXT((A2/1000 + ("1/1/1970"-"1/1/1900"+1)*86400) / 86400,"DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS")
2019-03-05 12:07 PM
On Linux command line, you can also use:
[root@nw-server ~]# date -d @1550554959
Tue Feb 19 05:42:39 UTC 2019
2019-03-05 01:37 PM
It is Epoch (Unix) time format....when converted it converts to