2015-01-15 05:04 PM
I'm getting the following error and only to one windows host. This is one of three identical systems that "should" be identical.
Jan 14 20:12:06 server-salogvlc1 nw[1731]: [WindowsCollection] [failure] [serverctx3] [processing] [WorkUnit] [processing] Unable to pull events from Windows event source serverctx3: Fault Code : s:Sender Subcode : w:InternalError Reason : The WS-Management service cannot process the request because the XML is invalid. Fault Detail : http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wsman/1/wsman/faultDetail/InvalidWindows Event Forward Plugin failed to read events.
Jan 14 20:12:06 server-salogvlc1 nw[1731]: [WindowsCollection] [warning] [serverctx3] [processing] [WorkUnit] [processing] Unable to cancel existing subscription for Windows event source: Fault Code : s:Receiver Subcode : w:InternalError Reason : Element not found. Fault Detail : The WS-Management service could not identify the subscription context ID in the SOAP packet that was received. The packet may have been invalid, or the operation may have timed out.
Jan 14 20:12:06 server-salogvlc1 nw[1731]: [WindowsCollection] [info] [serverctx3] [processing] [WorkUnit] [processing] Finished work
Jan 14 20:12:06 server-salogvlc1 nw[1731]: [WindowsCollection] [failure] [serverctx3] [processing] [WorkUnit] [processing failure] windows:WrkUnit[1] Processing failed.
Jan 14 20:12:07 server-salogvlc1 nw[1731]: [WindowsCollection] [info] Testing Windows Connection for serverctx3
If I remove the Event Source and re-add it, it starts working for a few tries, then fails.
Any ideas?
2015-01-19 12:17 PM
Here is the answer tech support gave me to address the issue.
Based on the error messages, it appears that you are likely experiencing a known Microsoft issue that is documented in the knowledgebase article 29090 (https://rsaportal.force.com/customer/articles/RSA_Technical_Advisory/RSA-Security-Analytics-Log-Collector-is-unable-to-collect-some-security-events-from-Windows-Server-2008-R2). A hotfix for the issue is available in the Microsoft Knowledgebase Article 2956014 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2956014).
A workaround for the issue is to exclude the Security Audit 4661 channel in the event source configuration. This is done by entering Security^(4661) in the Channel field. More information on the Windows Event Source Configuration can be found in the Security Analytics User Guide at the following link: https://sadocs.emc.com/0_en-us/090_10.4_User_Guide/135_LogCollectGds/93_WinProto/20_WinRef/00_WinESParam
2015-01-20 04:13 AM
when you said it worked for a few tries, do you mean it actually got some logs from the event source?
2015-01-20 08:04 AM
Yes, without the above fix, it pulled logs about 3 times, then failed with the above error.
This can be reproduced by deleting the event source from Security Analytics, then re-adding it.
Only a temp fix for a few rounds of logs.